SWING SLOWER TO HIT CONSISTENTLY FARTHER is accurate, and there is the natural science behind it and GREAT TOOLS SUCH AS THE LAG SHOT @Lag Shot Golf to help you with this. We gave this tool a ride and were VERY SURPRISED at how far we were hitting it with that super bendy and high torque shaft, and the distance control was uncanny! We had a blast with them! Savy was consistently getting 175 yards, and Mu was smoking his always 210 with the Bagshot 7 iron, and I hit the ladies’ and junior models 175 yards…

Golf Tips • Golf Instruction • Golf Lessons • With Shawn Clement ☞https://www.wisdomingolf.com | https://wisdomingolfpremium.com |

Lag Shot Golf Training Aid https://lagshot.com discount code: “savannah” in the US and “SAV15” outside of the US

00:00 Shawn introduces the golf lesson w/ Sav & Mu
00:47 Analogy: How much time do you have in the golf swing?
02:30 Sav demonstrates how the Lag Shot helps improve her tempo in her golf swing
04:20 Sav translates the Lag Shot training aid with her golf club
05:30 Shawn also describes the how the Swing Caddy and Lag Shot also help you in unison find your swing tempo
07:35 Mu demonstrates how the Lag Shot golf training aid helps him gain more distance
09:31 Mu gains 20-more yards with his 5 -iron
10:59 Shawn shows how the lag shot works R-H Perspective
14:44 Shawn Clement Summarizes the golf lesson

Proud Fitting Board Member of Callaway Golf Canada – https://www.callawaygolf.ca
Proud Partner of The Royal Bank of Canada – https://www.rbc.com
Proud Partner and Contributor of Golf WRX – https://www.golfwrx.com

Golf Academy with Shawn Clement ☞https://www.golfchannelacademy.com/coaches/shawn-clement/

Callaway apparel – Use Promo code SHAWN15 – https://www.callawayapparel.com 👕 🔥

Truelinkswear golf shoes – Uses Promo Code WISDOMINGOLF10 – https://truelinkswear.com 👟🏌🏼‍♀️

With our outstanding collaboration with Golf Fit Pro, we want to share Nick Randall’s wisdom as one of the greatest Strength and Conditioning Coaches in the golf Industry. Go to https://golffitpro.net/?afmc=WIG10 and be sure to use promo code WIG10 💪😃

Shawn Clement, Director of Development at The Royal Quebec Golf Club

Follow me at: ☞ https://www.instagram.com/wisdomingolf/
☞ http://www.facebook.com/wisdomingolf
☞ http://www.twitter.com/shawnclement

Big Thanks to Simon Moore and Thomas Gresen for letting us use their music in our videos, go give them a listen at

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